This programme combines all of the things we cover in spoken English sessions and keeps you interested and motivated. By making use of suitable expressions, students can receive assistance in strengthening their command of grammar, enhancing their pronounciation, and increasing their vocabulary in English through Linking concepts. Additionally, they can receive assistance in acquiring and maintaining strong listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities with a primary concentration on spoken English communication so that English language can be used to communicate in everyday situations. Furthermore, audio & visual sessions are included in this programme for effective listening and authentic handouts for reading are also used in classes.
What students will learn:
- Basic Knowledge of English Language
- Grammar – Adv. Tenses, Modals, Prepositions, Connectors & Special Uses
- Logics, Phrases & Vocabulary
- Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking Skills
- G.D., Extempore, JAM Session, Debates & Role Plays etc.
- Question Handling Sessions
- Presentation & Communication Skills
- telephonic conversation skills
- Interview Handling Sessions
- Personality Development Sessions & Extra Activities
Classes are available from 7 am to 8pm.
Call us: 9810126691 / 01144757111
Email: eesaacademy22@gmail.com